London’s position as a global legal centre is reflected in the fact that two-thirds of cases in the city’s commercial courts involve non-UK litigants. It is the result of an active and robust campaign to encourage overseas tycoons and international companies to settle their disputes in London, which in turn creates billions of pounds of revenue.
From Russia with Love – And Legal Fees
A few years ago, a £3bn argument between Russian billionaires Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich provided London lawyers with legal fees amounting to tens of millions of pounds. This was by no means an isolated incident. One study of court rulings between 2008 and 2016 found a substantial increase in litigation by people from Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union.
For wealthy Russians, there appears to be a number of advantages to taking legal action in London rather than Moscow, not least the excellent reputation of England’s legal system, courts and legal firms.
Language Barriers to Serving Legal Paperwork
So, how does this affect the way in which legal documents are delivered? Clearly, the language barrier is another key factor in making sure documentation reaches its intended destination in a fully auditable manner.
Our team of Process Servers in London are highly trained in all aspects of customer service and conduct all one-to-one contact with good manners and an unflappable approach. When they come across the increasing numbers of foreign nationals involved in court cases in London, they take extra care to keep communications simple and direct.
Knowing the Law When Recipients Have Poor English
Our team know the rules and regulations of serving legal documents better than anyone, ensuring that recipients can never use the excuse that their English was too poor to make the handover official. For example, the legal precedent is that paperwork placed in a manner that offers the recipient “control” of them is considered as served even if verbal communication is hampered by language difficulties.
Avoiding headaches for London legal services
Having process servers who understand the demanding nature of London’s global legal service, the fast pace of change there, and the many language barriers is invaluable. Contact us to see how our regulated, methodical, trackable service can make your legal needs less stressful in any language.